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Update on GoW Competition

06 January 2009 12:15 PM

Okay, so I'm back from holiday.
Thought I'd give you an update on last months Gears of War competition and how it went.
Sam from Rotorua had an Xmas bonus in his mailbox a couple of weeks ago.
Congrats Sam!

It was quite hard picking the best winning entry, as each entry was really just a personal memory of someones favorite arcade game from the past. So a winner was randomly drawn from all submissions.

I'll post Sam's winning entry (as well as some other selected submissions) soon.
(As they're currently all on my other laptop).

Fake Xbox 360 and PS3

28 December 2008 10:23 AM

Why the heck would you drop $200 to $400 on a brand new console when you could get the same thing for a fraction of the price? Oh yeah, I neglected to mention that these alternate universe clones of the Xbox 360 and PS3 are crappy knock-offs from China - and that they only play 8-bit games.


These cheap-o fakes come courtesy of the shady sounding Rodisson Technologies Company, who only ask that you place a minimum wholesale order of 10,000 pieces if you want to get your hands on one of these 8-bit versions of popular modern-day gaming systems. Note that the Xbox 360 fake dons the “Happy 360″ moniker, presumably to help them avoid Microsoft’s lawyers - but I not sure that’s subtle enough. The PS3 clone goes by the name “Play Power 3,” which really isn’t much better.


Each 8-bit fake comes complete with old-school 9-pin joysticks and a light gun, which lead me to believe that the built-in games (all 512 of ‘em) are old Famicom or NES bootlegs. Caveat Emptor and all that.

Maybe you can finally play that game of Duck Hunt you’ve been dying to play on your 360 or PS3.

source: technabob

And while we're on fake Xbox 360's and the festive season - this poor kid's family are evil!

Xmas - Been and Gone

27 December 2008 7:50 PM

I hope everyone received some tasty gaming goodies in this time of commercial holiness.

While the boxing day sales are still well underway, I figured there would be no point listing all the great deals that are going on at the moment.

However, I will name a few off the top of my head at the moment which I think are worth mentioning.

Kmart has 20% off all games and accessories.
The Warehouse has 25% off Wii software titles.
Harvey Norman were advertising an Xbox 360 Arcade bundle with 3 games for $268.

The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

7:46 PM

Shamelessly ripped from Shoryuken is the unboxing of the upcoming 'official' SF4 joystick.

Imagine playing SSF2T HD with that beauty!

Casebook - Support local game developers

22 December 2008 9:21 AM

Casebook, a local Dunedin-based game from developers 'Clocktower Games' was released a few weeks ago.
It's a episodic detective game which revolves around you solving puzzles, and gathering clues.
This is intertwined with full-motion video clips that progress the story.
Your can order the game from the following link.
Let's support local talent. And for $15, there's no excuse not to!

Street Fighter IV Screenshots

20 December 2008 4:49 PM

Still just over a month away, but some screenshots to whet your appetite over at Atomic Gamer.

Gamestop Reveals Contents of SF4 Collectors Edition

19 December 2008 2:42 PM

GameStop recently revealed what we can expect when purchasing the Collector’s Edition box for Street Fighter 4, and its left a few of us with more questions than answers. Eager CE buyers can expect a copy of the 65 minute Street Fighter 4 Anime movie (on BluRay for ps3 owners!), and a comic-book styled game hint-book. You will also get a limited edition figure with your purchase; Ryu for the ps3 and Viper for the 360. A soundtrack CD is also listed. Lastly, you will recieve 5 downloadable costumes for the characters as a bonus.

Source: Shoryuken

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