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Something you don't see every day

27 November 2008 3:49 PM

A Sega Dreamcast PC with Blu-ray!

Discount Day at Bond & Bond

26 November 2008 2:28 PM

I have a friends & family discount email for anyone who wants to get in touch with me.
The deal is cost + 10% + GST.
While this is nothing on a Xbox 360 or PS3, you can pick up some good deals on games!
Only for tomorrow (27/11).

Arcade Fighter News Round-up

25 November 2008 1:27 PM

Console Deals Before Xmas

10:47 AM

List of bargains to be had:

  • EB Games: Xbox 360 Pro Console with 3 Free Games (Lego Indiana Jones, Kung-Fu Panda, and Gears of War) - $448
  • EB Games: Playstation 3 with one free game (Resistance 2, Abba, LBP, or Motorstorm 2) - $748
  • Dick Smith Electronics: Various Xbox 360 console deals, including clearance system.
  • The Warehouse: Playstation 3 with one free game (Resistance 2, Abba, Singstar, LBP, or Motorstorm 2) - $775

14 Arcade Machines that Defined a Generation

22 November 2008 10:42 AM

Interesting, if not highly generic, post over at Techrader.
Apart from Street Fighter 2, and Gauntlet, I never really played any of those games. Not because I couldn't, but just because they didn't interest me all that much. But hey, that's my own opinion.

SSF2 Turbo HD Priced - At Least for Overseas Markets

9:53 AM

26th of November seems to be the big date!
That's only what? 5 days? (taking into consideration we're a day ahead of everyone in the world).
Now, if only we had a cool 6-button joystick?...

Competition Time!

17 November 2008 9:57 PM

To celebrate the release of Gears of War 2, I have one brand new copy of of the original Gears of War on the Xbox 360 to find a happy home! There's only one condition. You have to send me the NAME of your favorite arcade game, and WHY it is your favorite arcade game. It could be the game which you always skipped school to play. Where you waited in line for 45 minutes to play. Where you met your wife. I don't know? Depending on the amount of entries I receive, I will endeavor to post them on the site, if not the comments section. From there I'll pick the best one. The competition will last until the 8th of December, 08. Please fill out your address. I will NOT post any personal details about you, other than your handle on the site. Your personal details are used for shipping (should you win). And to make sure no-one is being dodgy with multiple entries. Anything related to Street Fighter will be dismissed. While you think it's an awesome game, so does the rest of your neighborhood.

-Game MUST be an arcade game. No PC or console games. I don't care if the game was ever ported, but you must base your experience on the arcade game machine.
-Please keep descriptions small-ish. There is no limit to the amount of words you can use, but I don't want to be reading a novel.
-Participants will allow their entries to be published on 20c.co.nz
-Participants MUST be 16 years of age or older.
-New Zealand entries will only be accepted.
-Judge's decision is final.

Arcade Memories - Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy

8:50 PM

What I hope to make a regular feature is the Arcade Memories section.
Every few days I plan to play through an old arcade game, and give some sort of 'mini-review' on the game itself. The plan is to feature games that were more obscure in nature. Not completely 'far out'. No odd Japanese finger poking bum games sadly. Nor any well known games. Such as Street Fighter/Final Fight/Golden Axe, etc.

So to start off with, I present;
'Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy'!

Now, it may sound like some kind of badly conceived porno title (think about it), but it is in actual fact an arcade game from Capcom, released in 1990.

The most memorable part of this game for me would have to be the sound. Why? Because at my local arcade this had the loudest game out of the lot. You could hear the "REEAAHH!! REAH REEEAAAH!!" of the main character over the hoja-billion "ha-do-kens!" that would litter the sound scape of the arcade.
The sound is one of the high-lights for me. It makes the memories of the place more real. It's like smelling a familiar smell. I know when I play this game that behind me is the Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition game, and beside it, the Rainbow hack. To my left is the 4 player Gauntlet which has been sitting there since I can remember. And to my right is Time Killers. It's odd what you can remember just by hearing some familiar sounds.

But the game isn't just all about the sounds.
It's best described as a hack 'n slash platformer. It has Capcom written all over it. Very sharp, detailed pixels that are all bright and colourful.

You play as what appears to be some kind of He-Man ripoff. Or at least Rastan's second cousin once removed. Bah! Let's face it, during this time there were one hundred and one different types of Conan knock-offs in video games. But that's not the point.
So you're wandering along the road, sword in hand, minding your own business when some evil monster dudes want to mess shit up, and have locked up your mean-ass friends in cages. Or something. I'm not quite sure.
But that sounds like a pretty good plot.
Oh, there's also bears.

Yeh, the bad guys have locked your buddies up in cages, and the only way to free them is to use various keys found across the horizontally moving landscape.
It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it!
Did I also mention there's something like 40-odd different levels?

One awesome aspect of the game is the fact that upon rescuing a buddy, they will join you in your quest for vengeance! And blood! And revenge! A bloody Revengance some would say!
It's messy.
There are a number of different side-kicks you can happen upon. These include (but are not limited to).
Ninja-guy, Big Caveman Guy, White Wizard Dude, Dark Wizard Dude, Token Hot Girl, and Bomb Peasant with no face. It's true! He has no face that I can see.
Apparently there are some more...like a dinosaur, and a Knight, but I have yet to encounter them.
With this vast array of power (I mean, c'mon - who can withstand a ninja AND a dinosaur!?!) you are virtually unstoppable! If it wasn't for the fact that you had only one life.
Of course, you have a health meter. And as per the norm, this is refilled by various grapes or legs of meat left carelessly lying about. Or in chests.

They are a fan of the treasure chests in this game.
Big chest. Small chest. Chests made out of metal.
Chests made out of wood.
There's a Dr. Seuss story in there somewhere, I know it!

At the end of each series of levels, there's the obligatory boss battle.

Overall, it's a good game. If you have the time. Apparently at the end of the game it gives you a choice to either become good...or evil. With the ending sequence being different depending on the choice you make. Which in those days was some mind blowing stuff! "Whoa!" indeed! However, I am yet to experience this due to the limited time I have.
And dinner was ready.

I give it a hearty 8 out of 10 treasure chests!

Super Street Fighter II HD

13 November 2008 11:08 PM

If it's one game that I'm waiting in hot anticipation this year it's this game.
Completely re-done GFX's to utilise 1080p goodness.
And only available on the Xbox Live Network or Playstation Store.

Guitar Hero World Tour Communications

4:48 PM

For those looking to snatch up a bargain when GHWT is released, I'd suggest heading on over to this forum thread here to read up on the bargains to be had and where to go to get them!

Warehouse Friends and Family Discounts

12 November 2008 11:22 AM

Received this in my email just recently. A lot of discounts of various (ie. boring) things, but one caught my eye. 20% off PC gaming!
You need to print off and bring along the required PDF form to get any of the associated discounts.
Won't post the PDF here, however. Use the contact form to the right, and I'll email you a copy (just remember to put in the contact form why you're contacting me).
Runs for today only.

Xbox 360 Drop in Time for Xmas

7:50 AM

Seriously, Sony must be feeling the heat right about now.
Holding onto that $799 price point for their PS3 is going to hurt them in the next coming months.

Xbox 360 prices reduced for Xmas

Just Like After School

11 November 2008 7:58 PM

There's a certain magnetic interest that is associated with arcade compilations on console platforms.
Be it the wonderfully crafted box art, or the after school memories that are contained on that single shiny disk...
I've lost count how many copies of Street Fighter I have across multiple platforms.
It's a terrible addiction...

Tuesday Bargains

10:59 AM

It's such a nice day out!
Let's combat it with some indoor gaming bargains!

  • Two DSE Xbox 360 Arcade bundles have been reduced $50, which makes them $349 each. One pack includes wireless controller, 256MB memory unit, SEGA Superstars of Tennis, and the Arcade game pack. The other is the same as the above - except without the SEGA tennis game (???)

Arcade DIY Project

10 November 2008 1:25 PM

For a while now I've been slowly working on an MAME arcade project.
It's been something I've wanted to do for many years now.
I started with finding an old arcade machine on Trade Me in a location not too far from home (have to get it to my place somehow without paying high shipping costs).
Had no idea what game it was, but I didn't care. I just needed the out shell.

Found out the game was "Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninjas".

However, I ripped the game PCB out (if anyone wants it, I'm willing to sell the JAMMA board).

The monitor was slowing dying, so I replaced it with a 21" CRT television.
While not ideal (would have preferred a standard 21" CRT computer monitor with VGA inputs), it worked due to the S-Video and Component inputs.
Had to repair some of the wooden casing due to moisture weakening some points.
Sanded and repainted the insides (which were black with accumulated dirt and grime - yuck!)
Added in a spare PC I had lying about (nothing fancy, Athlon 2000+ XP, Geforce 6600, and 1gb DDR Ram).
Also picked up a relatively cheap, yet bloody sturdy, arcade joystick. Primarily for use with either an Xbox or PS1/2. It's no X-Arcade, but it's damn close!
Built an Xbox to USB controller adapter and hey-presto! PC Arcade Joystick!

It's still not 100% completed, but it's pretty close. Some rough edges to tidy up, and need to replace the coin slot (which I also removed)

Would have liked to photo document the work, but meh. Call me lazy. I did however take a couple of phone cam shots of the (almost) finished product.

Kmart Gaming Goodness

09 November 2008 7:59 PM

Visited my local Kmart today.
Seems as though they're clearing an assortment of their games across various platforms.
Some recent releases too!
Some note worthy titles include Crysis for $23, C&C3: Kane's Wrath for $16, and Xbox 360 Guitar Hero 2 and 3 (software only) for $30 each!
Some really good sub-$50 deals for Xbox360, PC, PS2, PS3, Wii, PSP and NDS.
Dunno if it's a chain-wide thing, but check it out nevertheless.

Deals to watch out for

10:35 AM

While trawling the Internet, I came across some rather good deals to be had.

Firstly, it would seem Dick Smith Electronics are practically giving away both Resistance and Resistance 2 for the Playstation 3! And you save a couple of bucks off the RRP of the PS3!
So that's an 80GB PS3, and the two Resistance games for $797
Seems to expire 10/11/08.
Click here to view

The Warehouse also have a good deal going on at the moment for PS3's.
$745 buys you an 80GB PS3, and what I think is either a choice of SingStar or Little Big Planet games? It's hard to tell because their online mailer is too small to read. You can click on the page to bring up a list of the products featured. While the PS3 is there, with the words "Bundle Offer" listed, clicking on 'view details' just shows you the 'have you considered?' selection at the bottom. Very retarded.
Anyway, deal finishes 11/11/08
Click here to view

Oh, I almost forgot to mention.
To stay with the PS3 theme this post seems to have.
You may have heard of the deal Sony have running at the moment whereby you purchase a selected 1080p HD TV, and get yourself a 40GB PS3 for $99?
Well, I spotted this little gem on DSE as well.
A 40" Sony 1080p W series LCD TV for $2599. Sure, it's apparently the older model (4000 series, with the newer one being 4500 series?). Correct me if I'm wrong.
But this is the cheapest I've seen these sets for. And add $99 for a PS3. Awesome!
Finishes 10/11/08
Click here to view

If you spot any other great deals in gaming related merchandise, or anything you feel is a bargain and would like the world (of New Zealand) to know, please drop me a line

Welcome my son, welcome to the machine...

07 November 2008 11:57 PM

Hello and Welcome to 20Cents.
This site actually came out of a lucid dream I was having when I was rather feverish with a terrible illness a couple of months ago. Believe it or not.

I'm a gamer. I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember.
Unlike a lot of older gamers of my age, I didn't start out with an Atari console sitting in my house, or a Magnavox, or even a Nintendo Entertainment System. In fact - my first computer I ever owned was when I was 18 years old.
No, my first experience with video gaming was down the road at my local Fish & Chip shop.
Arcade parlors existed, but I was too young to even know what they were, so this was the only way I could ever experience these glowing boxes of wonder.
Every Saturday when my mother would buy our dinner for that night, I'd get two twenty cent pieces. I guess you could say this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
The years passed, and the Fish & Chip shop remained.
The only changes were the owners and the titles of the games themselves.

Through primary school, through intermediate, all the way to early high school. It was a constant. Any troubles that would face a young boy were forgotten about when standing in front of the arcade cabinet.
And I remember all the games that had come and gone from that shop.
Galaga. Rock 'n Rope. Bomb Jack. Elevator Action. Time Pilot. Kiki Kai Kai. Galivan....
Names that to anyone else would raise an eyebrow, but to me they bring thoughts of plans, strategies, tricks, and routines.

Over the years, I finally managed to scrimp and save to purchase my very first home console. A Sega Master System.
Me and my brother would spend countless hours playing it.
A Master System turned into a Mega Drive and SNES. These turned into Mega CD's. And Sega 32X's. And Saturns. And Playstations.
It goes on.

So gaming has always been a big part of my life. With this site I hope for it to become a place not only where I, but others as well, can stop by to relive some of those moments.
To share information about gaming past. The gaming future.

Even now and then when I walk into a chip shop the smell of the oil is like a homecoming. Some kind of familiarity. A call that lures you to the machine.

The Fish & Chip shop is no longer. The building remains, but it now converted into a row of flats.
It's strange to think that people now live in the very same spot where us kids from the neighborhood gathered to meet one another, pockets filled with twenty cent coins...

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